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Dark Side of Internet

Gang rape case at Bengkulu-Sumatera that killed a young girl by 14 boys is one of example tips of ice berg of mountain ice effect aboutInternet effect to the Sexual harassment to child case in Indonesia.

Internet Sehat Indonesia, an NGO for healthy internet in Indonesia reported that number of internet users in Indonesia from 2011–2014 increase significantly because of the infrastructure for internet connection in Indonesia from BTS by Telecommunication company and fiber optic, in total of 252,4 Million of Indonesian people, 88,1 million using Internet and with 49% of them are age 8–25 years old.

Mrs. Rita from Indonesian Child Protection of Commission (KPAI) explain that the number of children using internet effect significantly to the number
case of sexual harrasment case, in 2015 reported total 463 case of case Pornograph and cyber crime, which increase 69% from 2014 with 322 case.
“But this is just what we have, because sexual harassment and abuse case is not always report able case, since the parents feel shame with it”; Mrs. Rita Explain.

Mrs. Neneng Handayani, chief of PSMP Handayani, a child protection house for children with law problem add that PSMP Handayani for the past 5 years receive increasing number of sex abuse case. Internet on one sid can give good information but on the other side can give bad effect on children, parents involvement are highly needed to prevent further case sex abuse by internet happening again.





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